Does God want me to be rich?

God does not want you to focus on being rich; God wants you to love, to enjoy His blessings, to know self, to develop consideration and compassion for others.

If along the path you discover, create, or stumble upon riches, that would be a joy to experience but not a sign of superior status to show others, not a measuring stick of your worth.

Material riches are never a measure of your worth to God, nor should they be to your fellow humans. Material wealth can be a blessing of a sort, but becoming rich is never the purpose of life nor the measure of a soul.

Being rich can be an earthly convenience you can share with others, or it can be an obstacle to your growth.

How to prepare for an economic depression?

All love is here, the love of wanting to understand the means for creating love in times of great difficulty.

For an economic depression is a downturn, a restriction, a looking within. As a restriction of economic burgeoning it has a purpose; for in times of prosperity do we not see people committing their entire energies, lives and souls to the accumulation of wealth and its trappings?

To prepare self for a possible economic downturn, one must strengthen the ability to think and perceive positively, for in times of economic hardship negativity rules and runs rampant. One must see economic states as passing seasons, passing times of brilliant sunshine and times of cold, inclement weather.

Preparing self physically and financially is as directed: store not your treasures on earth where rust, moth or vandals can destroy them, but store your treasures in the kingdom of God.

What can I do to help alleviate the suffering and darkness in this world?

To love one another is to alleviate the pain and to magically dispel the darkness, to be there as needed, to point the way if one has an inclination to do so, to be love, to be a source of light rather a repeater of confusion which is so common in this world.

So many repeat confusion rather than originating love, so many imitate the confused rather than acting staunchly out of love.

Break the mold of confusion and originate light - that is a God task is it not

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"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

Jesus - The Sermon on the Mount