On the importance of Human life to God.

Your lives on Earth are important to God because they add immeasurably to the reality, power and joy of love. The way you handle and deal with the challenges in your lives, your ways of expressing your creativity creates a higher balance point, a more complex spiritual joyousness.

You are incubators, creators of new ways of love, new powers for love. You incubate and you create and existence is the richer, the more beautifully complex because of you, your struggles, your grand lives.

Yes, such challenges you must live through, and yet so much love is available to assist you, so much love is waiting to work with you and to enjoy what you have to offer.

Human life adds immeasurably to the energy and possibility of love.

On the difficulty of life on Earth.

The earth is a challenging plane, a loving plane, a plane where all is spelled out and made apparent.

You are subject not to abstract lessons, but to the pain of violence, the grandeur of love, the consequences of irresponsibility towards one another and your physical environment.

The lessons of the earth are less abstract, more apparent, more visible and manipulable. These are searing lessons on earth, searing into the soul, lessons about violence, love, ego, self, cooperation and compassion.

Such a learning journey is life on earth.

Back to Earth

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"It is under the greatest adversity that there exists the greatest potential for doing good, both for oneself and others."

His Holiness the Dalai Lama