Reflect on guilt, is it necessary, advantageous or erroneous always?

The issue of guilt is one of great moment, one most appropriate for you since you often labor under the feeling of a psychological heaviness, a loss of stature and self esteem, of being crushed under the weight of your own seemingly erroneous ego.

Guilt is oftentimes necessary, but never should be dwelt upon. It is natural at times to feel guilt towards an act meant to do harm to another, or a thought that is obviously untrue, but one must transcend these outbreaks of weakness and build ever towards a loving and understanding self.

To be understanding one must start with self, understanding and loving self so that one does not become preoccupied with moments of guilt, with the sudden feeling of guilt, deserved or not.

All make mistakes, all do harm to others at one time or another, and all feel guilty on these occasions, but the guilt must be allowed to pass, understood and loved for its message and meaning - for it has one, it too is a barometer to self - and then simply let go.

Guilt is a feeling we do not enjoy, do not want to admit to or take responsibility for, but it is real and has a message, an indicator or pointer for where one should look next in the grand exfoliation of the personality.

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