On living with a constant sense of lack.

All love is here also, a seeking of insight into a very important topic.

Self-victimization, seeing self in terms of lack and helplessness is a virulent and catastrophic disease to choose to participate in, and indeed many do.

When one lives with and dwells in the consciousness of lack, the mind becomes like a black hole, no light is allowed to escape, the light that enters is immediately lost.

Thus the black hole devours life, devours the sense of God within, and an empty, achingly envious shell is left, and that person becomes an achingly empty center, a centripetal center, devouring the light, sucking it in and never radiating it back out.

Such a starved and alienated person is indeed trapped, trapped by the consciousness of lack, by his pleasure in dwelling on what he lacks, especially in comparison to the millions and billions of others existing on earth with him.

And of the billions of fellow human beings, there is certainly no difficulty in finding someone to compare self unfavorably with, in finding someone who has "more" than you.

So, merrily you walk your own path which is creative, rich, vibrant, but you take time out to gaze upon the accomplishments and lifestyles of others and then fan the flames of envy and insecurity within yourself.

Thus your own path becomes muddled and directionless, for you spend far too much time looking over your shoulder at the other players on the field and envying their lifestyles.

Thus you become of two minds, the creative person intending to express the gifts within, and the critic, the overseer that is constantly pointing to the accomplishments of others as evidence of self's insecurity, self's lack. And in dwelling upon lack, the light is lost.

One can change one's consciousness, one's focal point, and the disease is indeed cured. By concentrating on the blessings, on the light, the resources provided, on the power of faith, the disease is on the road to resolution and cure.

And to do so one must resist, go against the tide of so much societal manipulation and shared negativity, and think and act for oneself.

The selling of the darkness is indeed big business in this society, the feeding into and upon the sense of lack in comparison with whatever others may have.

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dark remnant of an iridescent fractal heart