Speak of spiritually healing perspectives.

All love is here now, a question about healing the spirit, healing it of toxic beliefs, negativity, errors, hatreds and all the other debris that can foul your lives and planet.

Indeed to heal spiritually is to perceive the positiveness of God's being and love in your lives, not God's fearsomeness, but the positive love that God is and has for you - a constant and unending love, a magnificent love!

To see God as wrathful or temperamental is to see blindness only, is in effect to project your fears and your own errant self images onto the image of God.

For God is not darkness, nor fear, nor a tyrant, nor temperamental - God is a steady and brilliant love in your life, a co-creator in creating the mysteries and majesty of life, of the cosmos.

Fear is darkness, God is never the darkness. The darkness is part of his realm, but God is not darkness.

Why do we go through trials by fire?

Adversity is love, a way of challenging self to bring out the deeper levels of self, the levels connected to the God within, not the levels skimming over the surface, but the levels of self deeply connected to the God within, the God that cares, the God that wants to share love, teach you how to love, teach you to be like God.

Thus is God's purpose in creating an existence that has adversity, so that the challenges you meet will impel you to go beyond the surface and into the great reservoir of love within, a universal love, a love uniting and inviting all - thus is the meaning and message of your adversity, and of other's adversity also.

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fractal heart with a spiralling light center