On the way of love.

Love rages and love boils, seethes, crashes over and through barriers, and thus is the pain of love.

For the barriers you build are self-punishing. It is not God's nature to punish, but love's lawful nature to rage against barriers, to break through barriers meant to impede its flow.

Thus it is not God's nature to punish, to seek retribution, but it is the law of love that barriers cannot exist in its presence.

On the need for love.

Love is the way, the avenue, the existence of joy within. Give love and receive all, not receiving in ego terms, but receiving in God terms, receiving higher gifts than one could have imagined for oneself, not a new Mercedes, but a new vehicle to live life by.
Love is the need.

More on the nature of love.

Love is a feeling, an appreciation and tolerance of, a feeling of faith, a perception of unity in an apparently diverse world.

Love is the underlying unity, the energy from which the material bubbles up to take an ephemeral, changing form. It is a current, a complex of currents, a no-word, no-image feeling.

What then is love? It is no words, no images, no guidelines, no interpretations, it IS. Love is, the only is that is.

Love is and is never withdrawn.

It can be fought against, denied, ignored; one can try to outsmart it, out maneuver it, run around or away from it, but it always IS.

One can try to outsmart love, love truly knows nothing nor has any inclination to read up on itself. Love is easily outsmarted, out-thought, shunt aside through the creation of schools of thought and the cooperative building of barriers.

Those who have outsmarted love, run around it, created worlds of denial, will have gained nothing because in the end will find themselves exactly where they started.

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