Why do our religions seem so crazy
at times?

All love is here, the love of wanting to understand the value of your religions as espoused through their written spiritual tracts.

For the written word can be static, moribund, have no vitality. The spoken and living experience can often reveal more about the nature of your cosmos.

Indeed living is revelation, a revelation that originates in the the soul of one who truly attempts to be aware and open, who is actively trying to balance this material life with the life of the infinite soul within.

For there is a proper balance to strike between the material and the spiritual, neither overly dominating the other, but both in an infinite and eternal harmony, both in partnership towards the eternal revelation, which is this moment right now.

All that is to be revealed to you will appear in this moment, this moment right now, not in some mysterious ritual, nor on some distant cloud, but here and now in this moment.

Live such, be aware of the infinity of the moment, and enjoy, enjoy deeply right down through the soul.

For the soul is meant to enjoy life, not to seek only pleasures, but to enjoy living, to enjoy the diverse wonders of other selves, as well as the wonder of self.

Love is all-encompassing, is here now or is nowhere at all. Love is here now or is nowhere at all.

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