Should each person discover the truth about God for themselves?

Each individual is responsible for searching for their own way of relating to God, their own way of learning how to love.

For it is not in teachings only, it is not in moralizing or debating the fine points of type on a piece of paper that one learns the truth about God.

Rather it is in learning to love, learning to know oneself by looking deeply into one's own heart, learning to listen to the still small voice of divinity within.

In that effort God will join in, will aid and assist your struggles to love by bringing the proper teachers and teachings into your life as needed.

Are religions unimportant?

Religion is an attempt to systematically interpret and present a body of teachings gained from those wiser than oneself. As such religions are starting points, accumulations of wisdom that point the way and sets the soul on its own journey of discovery.

Hopefully in time and in love each individual will establish their own way of dealing with life, love, and reality. That way will be the one true way, of the billions of one true ways.

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"My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness."

His Holiness the Dalai Lama