On choosing careers, directions in life.

First find the heart and its ways, the heart being what you truly love and enjoy, and let the means manifest from this self-knowledge. Where the heart is is where one's true prosperity and fulfillment lie.

When the heart is involved so shall be the whole of one's existence and resources. When one operates out of the head only, or worse, out of fear for one's financial well-being, there will be the torments of a life not lead, but a life resentfully followed. When the heart is not involved, one will simply go through the motions and will be left with an emptiness inside.

If the heart is not in an enterprise, do not argue with yourself, but change - not abruptly or suddenly in a speculative jump - but by plunging within and discovering where one’s true essence lies and what you are most adept at manifesting.

What if one discovers he loves to rob banks, to challenge the law?

To such a tendency one must add the factor of love, for to place self and others in such great jeopardy is not loving oneself, nor loving others, but is merely experiencing a momentary thrill for the gratification of the ego.

Are thrills and ego-gratifications to be avoided?

To live a life ruled, dominated, devoted exclusively to the experiencing of thrills and ego gratification, one is living on the surface, living superficially. One can sit at home and eat butter pecan ice cream all day because one enjoys doing so, gets a thrill out of such activity, but one is not living.

Thrills, pleasures, surprises are important expectations and are to be enjoyed and savored as completely as possible. For with faith such feelings and events are commonplace, are always available and give life the enhancement it so richly deserves and needs.

Pleasure cooperates with the well-lived life, is concomitant to the well-lived life, not separate from nor withheld, but goes hand in hand when life is experienced from the point of view of love, self-knowledge and consideration for others. So it is.

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"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
