What is the value of material wealth?

Love is the ultimate of ultimates, the grand finale to the play of life, the final screen upon which is projected the image of God. Love is the truest of all the images and illusions you will experience in your evolution as a well-balanced, loving soul.

You will encounter many illusions on earth designed to test you, to try your affinity for spiritual truth. Of these, material wealth is a powerful illusion, one that pulls many souls off the path into cul-de-sacs of apparent gain.

For material wealth may teach one very little except how to “fit in” or manipulate the toggles and switches of an ongoing economic organization.

Indeed material wealth often intercedes between the soul and its purpose, for it represents extra baggage, extra worries and concerns that divert one from one’s true purpose: learning to love fully, completely, ecstatically.

God’s love is still the highest and most accessible form of wealth available to all right now, and material gain can be a blessing for those who remain dedicated to the path of a higher perspective.

Money at its best is energy circulating, a tool to help those in need. Let money circulate and the economy and the soul will be healthy beyond measure. Horde and fear for money, and love will dry up, fear will be thy constant companion.

Love and love multiplies. Horde and worries multiply.

What are our priorities in life?

Love is life's priority, being the one who originates love, who is love, who studies and purges self if the love that is possible is not forthcoming.

Your priority in life is to take what God has given you and to act as His agent, to share it with others. It is not
God’s will for you to profit in the material sense only, nor is it wrong to profit materially, but it is God's will for you to share the gifts, resources, and blessings He has given you.

And such a sharing will ensure true security for you and your loved ones, for sharing knowledge and blessings will result in a society of enabled people.

If one know the resources are there and is still not achieving what one desires in life, then one must eventually look into self, and that is all that is required.

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