How can racial tension in this country, the great melting pot, be eased?

All love is here in the asking of an important question, for racial tensions are merely an aspect of intolerance, the intolerance that resides within yourself.

As you are intolerant of your own soul's needs and imperatives, so shall you be intolerant of others, for you project intolerance from within outward.

Many are intolerant of the truths that their physicality is but a mask, and that money is not a way of justifying or living a life.

And by accepting the falsehoods of racial separation and classification, and the falsehood that money will gloss over and eradicate the need to grow, they allow intolerance to build within until it explodes outward, often violently.

Your soul has need of spiritual food, of loving, of learning about and accepting one another, yet your fears starve your souls and generate explosive violence towards others.

The solution to intolerance is
simply to accept the still small voice of divinity within. The soul wants to learn how to love, and is traumatized by how easily you all learn to hate, to share hate, to allow it to become your realities.

The soul wants toleration and understanding, and denial of that is death during life. Without tolerance and understanding life is nullified and becomes meaningless, becomes only violent and uncertain.

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