There is so much violence on Earth. Are we here to learn about violence?

You are divine souls in an incarnate body, a body capable of acting out any impulse, any desire.

In the spiritual realm violence is useless and has no effect. However, on earth violence has great impact on other souls, and thus the difference and the value of an incarnation on earth.

On earth you learn about violence, receive an advanced education in violence, an awareness of and an experience of violence that one cannot have in the spiritual world.

You are free to employ violence on earth, and then to see its effects on others and on yourself. You can choose to control people through fear, making others fear your willingness to engage in acts of violence of all varieties: physical, verbal, mental.

Violence is the temptation of your plane, a primary lesson for your existence. It is a temptation terribly hard to resist, whether in using fear to get your way, or in engaging in acts of revenge.

Thus, you are on a testing ground, a place where you're exposed to violence, and given an opportunity to use it, revel in it, and then hopefully learn from it.

Such a powerful lesson and opportunity is life on earth.

What meaning does the model of predator and prey, and the resulting image of so much suffering and violence in the natural world have for us?

All love is cascading here, the love of asking an important question.

For the image of nature "red in tooth and claw" at times can be unsavory, difficult to look at, difficult to contemplate. But what message does it have for you, what is the meaning of it, what sort of God would create such a painful reality?

The suffering created by predator and prey models of behavior in nature is a warning, a warning that you too can create similiar worlds of human suffering if you so wish. To see such sights as a predator attacking a prey is to see a behavior that is eternally possible for you.

The image of nature "red in tooth and claw" represents a choice you can make, and have made repeatedly in this life - to prey on others, to cause great pain and harm.

It is a reality you can choose to build in self or a reality you can choose to change in self.

Violence simply represents the shadow side of earthly existence, and the shadow side of your personalities. Compassion and love represent the light side, the divine within.

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fractal heart twisted into spirals
"Nonviolence means avoiding not only external physical violence but also internal violence of spirit. You not only refuse to shoot a man, but you refuse to hate him."

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.